About The WRPS PTA


Our friends from the PTA

The Warren Road Primary School PTA

Over the last few years, the PTA has raised approximately £25,000 per annum, from a wide range of activities. The main fundraising events are the Summer Fair, Christmas Fair and Fireworks. Other smaller events, which vary each year, include Quiz Nights, Discos and Film Nights raise significant additional funds. Smaller amounts are raised from activities such as the sale of school calendars, second-hand uniforms and personalised cards.

These funds are then donated to the school for various purposes. One of the original reasons for establishing the PTA was to fund the school swimming pool and we have continued to fund maintenance as part of our ongoing commitment to the project, providing KS2 students with the opportunity to use the facility weekly.

Annually the PTA funds the school Crossing Patrol Guard, Listening Ear, Life Space and books & resources for each classroom.  In 2009/10 we agreed to provide funding towards the Year 6 Isle of Wight trip and continue to do so into 2022/23.

In addition to the regular payments in the last few years, the PTA have funded several one-off purchases and expenditures including the school library, both school halls and a large amount of outdoor play equipment.

In the event of raising more funds than we expend in any one year, these funds are held in the first instance in reserve for years where expenditure exceeds funds raised. After that reserves are held to fund any significant projects which would be agreed upon between the PTA, Head Teacher and School Governors.

Despite the Covid-19 Pandemic the Warren Road PTA has continued to find new, fun and innovative ways to raise funds for our school to enable us to fund projects going forward.

We hold monthly meetings at school, liaising with the Head Teacher to agree on funding for projects as well as planning and organising our events.

We are always keen to encourage people to join the team, volunteer at events or bring new ideas for thought to us.